40 Years of Movies: 1992


2021 is the year I turn 40. As part of my celebration, I'm looking back at 40 years of movies, picking my favorite film from each year I've been around! To learn more about the criteria for this process, check this introduction. Each post will feature my pick, plus three runner's up. So check back over the next 40 weeks of this journey!


A Few Good Men
There are a few movies from this year that I like, but it really came down to two for this top spot. I've gone back-and-forth, but settled on A Few Good Men, which draws from an Aaron Sorkin script, has a loaded cast and some great and memorable court room scenes. People often think of Tom Cruise as kind of a pop movie star, but it's films like this that show his acting chops. I thought he was good here, as is Jack Nicholson, and that final face off is an iconic scene for a reason. I like Sorkin's script, the story and the way it all plays out.

Other Considerations:
The Last of the Mohicans
This was my other consideration, the classic from Michael Mann starring Daniel Day Lewis. I love the score and the action sequences. I like the story and the performances. Day Lewis is an incredible actor and this is a great performance from him. Mann is one of my low-key favorite directors, and his stretch here from the late 1980s through the 1990s is pretty strong.

Reservoir Dogs
This was the first feature from Quentin Tarantino and remains one of his best. I like the action, the dialogue and the story. It's dark, as most of his films are, and definitely violent, but you can see the style that has brought people to his films for years. This is one of my favorite Tarantino films.

Batman Returns
The sequel to Tim Burton's Batman, this is the second pairing with him and Michael Keaton. Danny DeVito is strong as Penguin, while Michelle Pfeiffer has plenty of fun as Catwoman. I like the style here an this one is actually a Christmas movie! I wish we'd have seen a complete trilogy with this group, but I'll savor the two we got. Keaton remains my favorite Batman.


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