Midnight Mass stirs the soul


The best entertainment is the one that connects with you on a personal level. Mike Flanagan, who previously created a new version of House on Haunted Hill and the Haunting of Bly Manor returns in 2021 with another supernatural tale. But Midnight Mass was unlike those previous series, aiming for something different and more emotional.

After viewing the seven episode limited series, it's clear those aims were achieved.

We begin with Riley Flynn (Zach Gilford), a young man whose life has gone off course. His drinking problem led to an accident where a young girl was killed. It sent Riley to prison and shook his faith. Upon release, he returns to Crockett Island, his childhood home, to live with his parents (Kristen Lehman and Henry Thomas).

Riley's return leads to reunions with the townsfolk and his former flame, Erin (Kate Siegel), now returned as a teacher on the island. It also coincides with the arrival of a new Priest, Father Paul (Hamish Linklater). Soon, strange things begin happening on the island connected to the new arrivals.

On one level, this is a piece of supernatural horror entertainment. Flanagan, unlike previous works, does a great job of capturing the oeuvre of Stephen King. The setting, the story and the character types do a great job of creating a mood an atmosphere. So, too, does the religious imagery and themes.

This is an exploration of faith. It's an exploration of guilt. It's an exploration of grief. And it's an exploration of forgiveness. Those are all real and rich explorations in this project, and the best parts of the narrative for me. Don't get me wrong, the horror story aspect, which I won't spoil here, works fine. But the emotional core of the series for me was around these ideas.

The most powerful episodes come near the middle of the series as these stories come to a head. This is also a beautiful exploration of faith, and not just Christian faith. The inclusion of Sheriff Hassan (Rahul Kohli), a devout Muslim, added to the richness of the experience. 

The performances and look here are great, as is the narrative. This was a powerful and emotional experience, one of the best series I've seen this year. I loved Gilford and Linklater, standouts among an incredible cast. I hope people get a chance to check this out and meditate on its message, which sticks with you long after it's over.


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