40 Years of Movies: 2019


2021 is the year I turn 40. As part of my celebration, I'm looking back at 40 years of movies, picking my favorite film from each year I've been around! To learn more about the criteria for this process, check this introduction. Each post will feature my pick, plus three runner's up. So check back over the next 40 weeks of this journey!


Knives Out
This film from Rian Johnson was his follow up from a chapter of Star Wars, my favorite film of 2017. He scored again with this whodunnit featuring an incredible cast led by Daniel Craig. I enjoyed this ride a lot. I saw it a few times when it was in theaters and have seen it a few more times since acquiring it in my VuDu collection. I love the performances and story, so it ascended to the top of the list for this penultimate year in my countdown.

Other Considerations:
Jojo Rabbit
This indie film was a Best Picture contender. It has an edgy story that features Hitler and Nazis but it also tells a rich story of love and friendship. It moved me greatly.

Avengers: Endgame
2019 was a big year for superhero films, and this summer offering brought more than 20 interconnected movies to a head as the Avengers battled Thanos. It was three hours long and had me riveted every minute. It was emotional and satisfying.

Spider-Man: Far From Home
The first MCU film post-Endgame, this one delivered and became one of my favorites. I love Tom Holland as Peter Parker and I thought this had a fun story and a killer ending.


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