Best of the Small Screen: Network Sitcoms, No. 8


 Welcome to this year's exploration of TV, the Best of the Small Screen. Throughout the year I'll be looking at my favorite shows in four categories: Network Sitcoms, Network Dramas, Cable Series and Streaming Series. We'll cap the exploration with my Top 10 shows of all time regardless of format. Check back each Saturday for another installment in the countdown!

Liz Lemon: Why are you wearing a tux?

Jack: It's after 6 o'clock Lemon. What am I, a farmer?

30 Rock (2006-2013)
: Tina Fey, Alec Baldwin, Tracy Morgan, Jane Krakowski, and Jack McBrayer
Favorite Episodes: "The Rural Juror," Episode 1.10, "Black Tie," Episode 1.12, "MILF Island," Episode 2.11, "Subway Hero," Episode 2.12, "Anne Howard Shaw Day," Episode 4.13, "Live Show," Episode 5.04, "The Tuxedo Begins," Episode 6.08, "Last Lunch," 7.12
About: I remember the year 30 Rock launched. NBC was offering two new series in the fall set behind the scenes of a late night sketch show. One was the prestigious Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, which boasted a high-profile cast and came from Aaron Sorkin. The other was Fey's 30 Rock. I thought Studio 60 was bound to be a hit and soon to become one of my favorites. Instead, it was 30 Rock that captured my heart and tickled my funny bone. Studio 60 flamed out after one season, while 30 Rock ran seven seasons, spanned 138 episodes and has since spawned a reunion special on Peacock. It was part of an under-rated era of NBC comedy, after the big Must-See shows has ended when the network was turning out quality series that marched to the beat of their own drum, connecting with audiences like me. That was 30 Rock, and it was a huge credit to Fey as a writer, creator and star. She was the heart of the show in every sense of the word, and it became a showcase for her talent and her storytelling ability. What always hooked me to the show was the relationship between Liz Lemon (Fey) and Jack (Baldwin). They were magic together and their scenes and unlikely friendship were the heart of the show. I also loved the wacky subplots we got from Tracy (Morgan) and Jenna (Krakowski), while the secret MVP of the show was Kenneth (McBrayer), who got some of the weirdest and most fun storylines. I really enjoyed 30 Rock for its humor and style. It stuck with me long after the episodes ended and I think it's one of the more under-rated offerings in the history of NBC sitcoms. For all those reasons, it was an easy choice to land on this list.


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