Best of the Small Screen: Network Sitcoms, No. 4


 Welcome to this year's exploration of TV, the Best of the Small Screen. Throughout the year I'll be looking at my favorite shows in four categories: Network Sitcoms, Network Dramas, Cable Series and Streaming Series. We'll cap the exploration with my Top 10 shows of all time regardless of format. Check back each Saturday for another installment in the countdown!

Michael Scott: Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.

The Office (2005-2013)
: Steve Carell, John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer, and Rainn Wilson
Favorite Episodes: "The Dundies," Episode 2.01, "The Booze Cruise," Episode 2.11, "Casino Night," Episode 2.22, "Business School," Episode 3.16, "The Negotiation," Episode 3.18, "Beach Games," 3.22, "Fun Run," Episode 4.01, "Dinner Party," Episode 4.09, "Goodbye Toby," Episode 4.14, "Stress Relief," Episode 5.13, "Company Picnic," Episode 5.26, "Niagra Parts 1 and 2," Episode 6.04 and 6.05, "Scott's Tots," Episode 6.12, "Threat Level Midnight," Episode 7.16, "Garage Sale," Episode 7.18,  "Goodbye Michael," Episode 7.21, "Finale," Episode 9.23
About: I remember when I first saw The Office. It was when it premiered, I watched a couple episodes and decided it wasn't for me. About a year later, I was watching 30 Rock and it ended. I left the TV on for some reason, and I caught The Office episode "Booze Cruise." I couldn't click away. I realized I'd been too quick to bail, and dove back in. I re-watched all I had missed and stuck with the show through the rest of its nine season run. I'll always be grateful for the "Booze Cruise" for pulling me back in because The Office quickly became one of my favorite things on television. It was cringey and hard to watch at times, but also wildly creative, a little too real and completely endearing. That is what made The Office so compelling and a show I loved to watch and re-watch. Carell was masterful at creating Michael Scott, a complex and complicated character that was at the heart of the comedy. But I loved Jim (Krasinski), Pam (Fischer) and Dwight (Wilson), too, along with all the rest. The Office was a show that filled the comedy void at the right time, far surpassing the British series upon which it was based and creating a series and a legacy all its own. It remains one of my comedy favorites and was an easy choice to land on this list.


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