Best of the Small Screen: Network Sitcoms No. 1


Welcome to this year's exploration of TV, the Best of the Small Screen. Throughout the year I'll be looking at my favorite shows in four categories: Network Sitcoms, Network Dramas, Cable Series and Streaming Series. We'll cap the exploration with my Top 10 shows of all time regardless of format. Check back each Saturday for another installment in the countdown!

Penny: So, what do you say Sheldon, are we your X-Men?
Sheldon: No. The X-Men were named after the X in Charles Xavier. Since I am Sheldon Cooper, you will be my C-Men.
Howard Wolowitz: [as Sheldon walks away] Oh, that's not a good name.

The Big Bang Theory (2007-2019)
: Jim Parsons, Kaley Cuoco, Johnny Galecki, Simon Helberg, Kunal Nayyar, Melissa Rauch, and Mayim Bialik
Favorite Episodes: "The Peanut Reaction," Episode 1.16, "The Barbarian Sublimation," Episode 2.03, "The Lizard-Spock Expansion," Episode 2.08, "The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis," Episode 2.11, "The Adhesive Duck Deficiency," Episode 3.08, "The Staircase Implementation," Episode 3.22, "The Countdown Reflection," Episode 5.24, "The Santa Simulation," Episode 6.11, "The Thanksgiving Decoupling," Episode 7.09, "The Prom Equivalency," Episode 8.08, "The Spock Resonance," Episode 9.07, "The Earworm Reverberation," Episode 9.10, "The Opening Night Excitation," Episode 9.11, "The Long Distance Dissonance," Episode 10.24, "The Bow Tie Asymmetry," Episode 11.24, "The Stockholm Syndrome," Episode 12.24
About: If I was doing this countdown in 2020, this show wouldn't even be on the list. Sure, I'd see a few pieces of episodes but I'd never intentionally watched a whole episode. But as we made our way into COVID, Lindsay and I began exploring shows. Sometimes it was revisiting shows we'd seen. Sometimes it was trying new series. So, in January of 2021 I tried the series on HBO Max. By March, Lindsay and I had watched all 279 episodes. Since then, we've seen the series through at least three times. I watch it every day and it never fails to make me laugh. It's become calming and something I look forward to. I appreciate the characters, stories and the humor. I love the characters and the journey of the series. When it comes to network sitcoms, there isn't a series that resonates more strongly with me. You don't watch a show four times through in less than 18 months unless it speaks to you. I wish I'd watched it when it was on, but I also loved that I was able to binge through it. It is easily my favorite network comedy and it's not close. If you haven't taken the plunge, do it!


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