Favorite Films of All Time, No. 35


In 2022 I'm revisiting my favorite films of all time, doing a countdown of the Top 50 throughout the year. Check back each Friday for the latest installment in the countdown of films, which include releases through 2019. Agree? Disagree? Have a thought on the choice? Be sure to share in the comments below!

Bill: Jo. Things go wrong. You can't explain it, you can't predict it. Killing yourself wo'nt bring your dad back. I'm sorry that he died, but that was a long time ago. You gotta move on. Stop living in the past, and look what you got right in front of you.
Jo: What are you talking about?
Bill: Me, Jo.

Twister (1996)
Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Alan Ruck, Lois Smith, and Cary Elwes
Director: Jan de Bont
About: Michael Crichton has written a number of films and screenplays. He's delivered some iconic and memorable stories that delve into science, technology and the dangers of playing God. With Twister, co-written with his then-wife Anne-Marie Martin, he gave us something different. I have long been a fan of disaster films. While not always particularly deep, these films are fun. They build tension and drama, a popcorn movie that can be a great way to pass a few hours. At its heart, Twister is just that. Coming from de Bont as a director, there is plenty of action in a film that moves at a great pace. It explores the power, danger and allure of these storms that wreak havoc on people in the heart of the nation with sometimes just a moment's notice. I love the performances from Hunt and Paxton, too. It's the richness of the characters that elevates Twister, and has made it one of my favorite films!


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