Summer Movie Preview, Pt. 1


The summer movie season is nearly upon us. It's a season of blockbusters, blockbuster comedies and fun family films. It's a place to go, be entertained and escape the heat and the world for a few hours. It kicks off the first week in May and carries us through Labor Day. And with the world beginning to emerge from a global pandemic, it's time to look forward to blockbuster season at the movies again. Over two posts, I'll be looking at 10 films I'm excited to see this summer, five from May and June and five from July and August. Films appear in chronological order!

Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness (May 6)
: Summer kicks off in a huge way with the next installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This one ties back to the multi-verse concept we've been seeing pop up in shows and some films for the past few years. It looks incredible and may well be the film of summer.

Downton Abbey: A New Era (May 20)
The second feature film for the one-time series, this one returns the core cast for a continuing adventure. It was originally due out in the Spring but now it's a nice summer treat for fans, myself included.

Top Gun: Maverick (May 27)
Speaking of being delayed, this film has been on the schedule at various times for years. It seems we're finally getting the sequel to the 1986 Tom Cruise film for Memorial Day weekend. The trailers look pretty great and I have a feeling this is the kind of movie Summer was made to host.

Jurassic World: Dominion (June 10)
It's been a few years since Fallen Kingdom underwhelmed audiences. This one is being advertised as being the final word on the Jurassic era, tying together all five previous films and casts. Jurassic Park is an all-time favorite for me so I'm beyond pumped for this one. My hopes are high, let's hope my faith is rewarded.

Elvis (June 24)
I'm on the fence about this biopic, but it figures to be one of the biggest releases of the year. I like Tom Hanks, but I'm unsure about this based on the trailers I've seen. Nevertheless, I know I'm going to see it.


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