Favorite Films of All Time, No. 14


 In 2022 I'm revisiting my favorite films of all time, doing a countdown of the Top 50 throughout the year. Check back each Friday for the latest installment in the countdown of films, which include releases through 2019. Agree? Disagree? Have a thought on the choice? Be sure to share in the comments below!

Father Brendan Flynn: [to Sister James] There are people who go after your humanity, Sister, that tell you that the light in your heart is a weakness. Don't believe it. It's an old tactic of cruel people to kill kindness in the name of virtue.

Doubt (2008)
: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, and Viola Davis
Director: John Patrick Shanley
About: The church is a reflection of the world, and as such it's flawed. We're meant to be united by our love of Jesus Christ, but people are imperfect and broken, so the church is imperfect and broken. And sometimes this brokenness can hurt people and hurt the message of hope. Shanley, who attended Catholic school, wrote the play Doubt, later adapting it for the screen. It's a powerful story that looks at issues of faith and the church, and shows the brokenness that can sometimes impact that message. I love this film. I love the rich performances. I love the dialogue. And I love the exploration of doubt, faith and certainty that is contained here. It's a masterclass in acting with some incredible performances from these four actors, all of whom were nominated for an Academy Award. I have loved the film since I first saw it and it never ceases to move and inspire me.


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