Favorite Films of All Time, No. 2


In 2022 I'm revisiting my favorite films of all time, doing a countdown of the Top 50 throughout the year. Check back each Friday for the latest installment in the countdown of films, which include releases through 2019. Agree? Disagree? Have a thought on the choice? Be sure to share in the comments below!

James Gordon Jr.: Why's he running, Dad?
Lt. James Gordon: Because we have to chase him.
James Gordon Jr.: He didn't do anything wrong.
Lt. James Gordon: Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.

The Dark Knight (2008)
: Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, Aaron Eckhart, Michael Caine, and Maggie Gyllenhaal
Director: Christopher Nolan
About: It's hard to quantify how I feel about this film. I've probably seen it 50 times over the years. I am deeply moved every time. The ending is both beautiful and heart-breaking. I love how it pays off in The Dark Knight Rises, but it's this film that has always captured my heart. Batman is my favorite superhero. He always has been. This is my favorite Batman film and easily my favorite superhero tale. It's so much more than that. It's a film that transcends genre as good art always does. Ledger is amazing. His award win was justified. This film also should have been more widely recognized. That it changed the rules for the Best Picture competition is its enduring legacy. It's also a film that is a deep exploration of the nature of man. That is the fascinating part of the Batman-Joker storyline. They are polar opposites, the extreme end of a viewpoint. The Joker is an anarchist, who believes in nothing. Batman is a vigilante, who believes so strongly in the rule of law he's willing to break it to enforce it. Their back-and-forth debate is at the heart of the film, looking at the nature of humanity. As a Christian, it's also fascinating to see how the film is a reflection of world views and the nature of man. All that plays out in one of the best heist films I've ever seen. It's a beautifully crafted masterpiece. I love it dearly and have since the first midnight screening when I was reduced to a puddle of tears as the credits rolled.


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