Films of the 1970s, No. 47


Throughout 2023 I'm looking at my favorite films from the decade of the 1970s. I'll be counting down from 50 to 1 throughout the year, posting a new installment each Friday. Agree? Disagree? Want to share a story? Post it in the comments below!

Warden: If you disobey the rules of society, they send you to prison; if you disobey the rules of the prison, they send you to US. Alcatraz is not like any other prison in the United States. Here, every inmate is confined ALONE... to an individual cell. Unlike my predecessors, Wardens Johnson and Blackwell, I don't have good conduct programs, I do not have inmate counsels. Inmates here have no say in what they do; they do as they're told. You're not permitted to have newspapers or magazines carrying news; knowledge of the outside world is, ah, what we tell you. From this day on, your world will be everything that happens in this building.

Escape From Alcatraz (1979)
: Clint Eastwood, Fred Ward, and Patrick McGoohan
Director: Don Siegel
About: There has long been fascination with Alcatraz. We've seen it before in various films, including the Michael Bay classic The Rock. But back in the late 1970s, it was Eastwood that tackled Alcatraz, starring in this drama about three prisoners that plan a daring escape from the prison. The film is based on the book from J. Campbell Bruce. It's a decent action/escape adventure and Eastwood does well anchoring the film. That combined with the topic helped it land on the list for me.


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