Favorite Superhero Movies, No. 31


Throughout 2023 I'll be sharing my favorite Superhero Films each Saturday, counting down from 50 to 1. Check back each week throughout the year for the next installment. Agree? Disagree? What to share a favorite? Post it in the comments.

Lois Lane: I'm gonna' be fine. Don't worry about me.
Clark Kent: I like worrying about you.

Superman II (1980)
Christopher Reeve, Margot Kidder, Gene Hackman, and Terrance Stamp
Director: Richard Lester and Richard Donner
About: Here we get Reeve's second outing as The Man of Steel, a film that is both a classic and an interesting case study. We get Superman against his most famous enemy, General Zod (Stamp). We also see Lois Lane (Kidder) figuring out the truth and beginning a relationship with Clark/Superman. And we get Hackman back as Lex Luthor, offering some fun moments. But this is also a film that features two distinct versions. We got the one released in 1980 that has been a classic for viewers for more than 40 years. And we also got a Director's Cut from the film's original director, Donner, who gave us the first film. That cut was released in 2006 and is also quite good, following more closely to the original script and offering a different take on the events of this film. The big beats are the same, but the how morphs some in the versions. I have long enjoyed Superman II as the best of the films starring Reeve in the role. My opinion hasn't changed seeing a second version. I appreciate each a bit differently and both are worth checking out, as is this film, which features a number of iconic moments and scenes.


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