Favorite Superhero Movies, No. 33


Throughout 2023 I'll be sharing my favorite Superhero Films each Saturday, counting down from 50 to 1. Check back each week throughout the year for the next installment. Agree? Disagree? What to share a favorite? Post it in the comments.

Clark Kent at 13: Can't I just keep pretending I'm your son?
Jonathan Kent: You are my son. But somewhere out there you have another father too, who gave you another name. And he sent you here for a reason, Clark. And even if it takes you the rest of your life you owe it to yourself to find out what that reason is.

Man of Steel (2013)
Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Diane Lane, Kevin Costner, and Michael Shannon
Director: Zack Snyder
About: I mentioned last week that Cavill might be my favorite to play this role. I know that not everyone appreciates Snyder's style or approach, but several of his superhero movies have worked for me. This is his second film on the list, and there will be others. I enjoyed this as an origin story told differently. We know Superman at this point. We know the beats we're expecting. We get those here, but not in a way we expect. I also liked the way he portrayed Clark Kent. In fact, this is a film that is masterful in the first two thirds of the presentation. The final third, which is mostly the epic battle with General Zod, is fine. I like Shannon and his intensity in the role but it just isn't as beautiful or compelling as what comes before it. I love the back-and-forth between Clark and Jonathan, and the performance I get from Costner as well. There is a lot to like in the way this Superman story is told, which is why I have it here on my list of favorite superhero films.


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