Films of the 1970s, No. 26


Throughout 2023 I'm looking at my favorite films from the decade of the 1970s. I'll be counting down from 50 to 1 throughout the year, posting a new installment each Friday. Agree? Disagree? Want to share a story? Post it in the comments below!

Navin R. Johnson: Huh? I am *not* a bum. I'm a jerk. I once had wealth, power, and the love of a beautiful woman. Now I only have two things: my friends, and... uh... my thermos. Huh? My story? Okay. It was never easy for me. I was born a poor black child. I remember the days, sittin' on the porch with my family, singin' and dancin' down in Mississippi...

The Jerk (1979)
: Steve Martin, Bernadette Peters, M. Emmet Walsh, Mabel King, and Richard Ward
Director: Carl Reiner
About: The 1970s featured some iconic and edgy comedies. The Jerk certainly qualifies. The quote above is the opening line of the film. It's become iconic and it certainly sets the tone for all that comes after. There are a lot of great moments in the film. Martin is great in the lead role and the rest of the supporting cast are solid. This is a strange story, sure, but you can't help but laugh. It's a story and character that has endured for more than 40 years, which is a big part of why it made this list.


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