Ranking the Transformers Films


The latest Transformers film came out earlier this month, so how do I rank the feature films now? Check it out below!

No. 1: Transformers (2007)
I’m a big Michael Bay fan and honestly, this is peak Michael Bay. I wasn’t sure this would work as a live-action film, but this actually turned out to be a lot of fun. I like the humor and the action, finding a way to make the story engaging and relatable. Not all the Transformers films are good. But this one holds up.

No. 2: Bumblebee (2018)
The spin-off, this one takes the action back to the 1980s and adds Hailee Steinfeld. It’s also the only live-action film, so far, not helmed by Bay. This was a big surprise to me. I was sort of burned out on Transformers films when it was released, and yet it is actually a lot of fun.

No. 3: Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (2023)
: It wasn't incredible, but it's a solid franchise entry. I liked the human characters all right and I enjoyed the story for what it is. It stands up as well as any of the sequels in the franchise.

No. 4: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
This follow-up film isn’t as good as the original but it’s not as bad as some people make it out to be. The story is ponderous at times but there’s some fun sequences here. I still like Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox together. This, again, is peak Michael Bay.

No. 5: Transformers: The Movie (1986)
A curveball you say? Sure, this is the original animated film. It counts. It still has Peter Cullen voicing Optimus Prime. I enjoyed the original cartoon and when I was a kid, this animated film was my jam.

No. 6: Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
This is the last film in what I like to think of as the original trilogy. LaBeouf is back but due to some behind-the-scenes drama, Fox was out. This might be the first time anyone has said this, but her presence was missed. This film is overstuffed, running 154 minutes, and they don’t make the best use of having Leonard Nimoy in the voice cast. Still, it’s an OK film.

No. 7: Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)
They shouldn’t have gone back to the well, but they did. Mark Wahlberg takes over as the lead actor in the franchise. This film is even longer; a ridiculous 165 minutes. It’s not a good film but, sadly, it’s not the worst.

No. 8: Transformers: The Last Knight (2017)
This one adds Anthony Hopkins to the mix for some reason. It’s slightly shorter but it’s an even more ponderous film. This felt like one of the most unnecessary of unnecessary sequels. It seemed like it would be the end of the franchise, but we’ll see if Rise of the Beasts takes it in a strong new direction.


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