Films of the 1970s, No. 25


Throughout 2023 I'm looking at my favorite films from the decade of the 1970s. I'll be counting down from 50 to 1 throughout the year, posting a new installment each Friday. Agree? Disagree? Want to share a story? Post it in the comments below!

Willy Wonka: The suspense is terrible... I hope it'll last.

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)
Gene Wilder, Jack Albertson, and Peter Ostrum
Director: Mel Stuart
About: Gene Wilder was a talented performer. This isn't his only appearance on the list, but it is one of his most iconic performances. He's incredibly as Wonka, dominating this quirky film based on the novel from Roald Dahl. We've seen this story adapted other times, once by Tim Burton and Johnny Depp and once again this year with Timothee Chalomet in the role. This is a fun and engaging film; a wild tale built around a larger-than-life character. Charlie, played by Ostrum, is fine. But this is about Wilder and the charisma he brings to the role. That's one of the reasons it's endured, even 50 years after its release. Stuart makes the most of his lead and the story, creating a colorful and imaginative world that pulls you in and dazzles at times.


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