Favorite Superhero Movies, No. 14


Throughout 2023 I'll be sharing my favorite Superhero Films each Saturday, counting down from 50 to 1. Check back each week throughout the year for the next installment. Agree? Disagree? What to share a favorite? Post it in the comments.

Barry Allen: What are your superpowers again?
Bruce Wayne: I'm rich.

Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)
Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Henry Cavill, Ezra Miller, Jason Momoa, Amy Adams, and Ray Fisher
Director: Zack Snyder
About: When the Justice League movie was announced, it was meant to be the D.C. answer to the MCU. But the production was fraught. When we got the film released in 2017, it was more of a dud. It took years, but in 2021 we finally got the version original director Zack Snyder always intended. Some scoffed at the four-hour run time, but I was intrigued. Turns out, it was worth the wait. It was not only one of my favorite films the year it was released, it is one of my favorite superhero tales. I love the way it was put together, the darker tone and the way this longer version of the film brings the story to life in a new way. I like this film a lot, hence its place on this list.


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