Films of the 1970s, No. 13
Throughout 2023 I'm looking at my favorite films from the decade of the 1970s. I'll be counting down from 50 to 1 throughout the year, posting a new installment each Friday. Agree? Disagree? Want to share a story? Post it in the comments below!
Laurie Henderson: [quoting from Curt] "It doesn't make sense to leave home to look for home, to give up a life to find a new life, to say goodbye to friends you love just to find new friends."
American Graffiti (1973)
Starring: Ron Howard, Richard Dreyfuss, Cindy Williams, and Harrison Ford
Director: George Lucas
About: When you think about Lucas, you usually think about sci fi or films with big stories and big spectacles. That is a big part of his cinematic legacy, and will even be a part of this list later. But his first film on this list is a slice of life. It's set in Southern California on one night where recent graduates are cruising the strip, reflecting on their future and thinking about the past. It's got a good cast, some iconic locations and a story that sticks with you. This film is a reminder that Lucas is a great storyteller above all else. That comes through this film, which remains an iconic classic even years later.
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