Favorite Superhero Movies, No. 10


Throughout 2023 I'll be sharing my favorite Superhero Films each Saturday, counting down from 50 to 1. Check back each week throughout the year for the next installment. Agree? Disagree? What to share a favorite? Post it in the comments.

May Parker: You have a gift. You have power. And with great power, there must also come great responsibility.

Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Tom Holland, Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, Zendaya, Marissa Tomei, Willem Dafoe, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Alfred Molina
Director: Jon Watts
About: We've seen a lot in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but no set of films has been as consistently strong and memorable as the Tom Holland Spider-Man films. This is the third of his stand-alone films, and the third of his films on this list. In fact, it's the second of his films that's in the Top 12. This film brought together Holland's Spider-Man with the Spider-Men played by Maguire and Garfield. It was beautiful, memorable, emotional and amazing. It was one of my favorite films the year it was released and remains one of my favorite superhero films. It's simply incredible.


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