Films of the 1970s, No. 12


Throughout 2023 I'm looking at my favorite films from the decade of the 1970s. I'll be counting down from 50 to 1 throughout the year, posting a new installment each Friday. Agree? Disagree? Want to share a story? Post it in the comments below!

Father Merrin: Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations with the demon. We may ask what is relevant but anything beyond that is dangerous. He is a liar. The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful. So don't listen to him. Remember that - do not listen.

The Exorcist (1973)
: Ellen Burstyn, Max Von Sydow, Linda Blair, and Jason Miller
Director: William Friedkin
About: A few weeks ago I looked at Friedkin's film The French Connection. Now, I look at perhaps his most iconic film not just of the 1970s but of his career. The Exorcist turns 50 years old this year, and it's fitting that my take on it drops today. Not only is it the beginning of October, but it's the day a new sequel is being released. The sequel might entertain, but it won't be as groundbreaking as this film, based on the novel from William Peter Blatty. There's a reason this film continues to hook audiences and why it is ranked highly on this list.


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