Favorite Westerns, No. 45


Do you like a good Western? It's a classic genre in film and this year I've decided to look at some of my favorite Westerns. So, join me each Friday as I count down my favorite Westerns from No. 50 to No. 1.

Ethan: Well, Reverend, that tears it! From now on, you stay out of this. All of ya. I don't want you with me. I don't need ya for what I got to do.

The Searchers (1956)
: John Wayne, Jeffrey Hunter, Vera Miles, and Natalie Wood
Director: John Ford
About: When you think about this format, the Western, the first person that comes to mind is Wayne. And the director that often comes to mind when thinking of Wayne is Ford. We saw them paired together to start this list in a famous film, Stagecoach. This is another of their famous pairings, a classic film based on the novel from Alan Le May. It centers on a Civil War veteran who goes on a pursuit for family members who've been abducted by the Comanche. It's a difficult and fascinating film. Wayne gives a good performance, while Ford does a nice job putting the film together. Watching it I could see why it is a classic. While it wasn't my favorite of Wayne's films, it's quite good and earned a place on my list.


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