Favorite Animated Films, No. 22

Animated Films have come a long way over the years. It's a genre and format that presents a wide range of styles and stories. This year, I'll be taking a look at my 50 favorite Animated Films, offering a new one from No. 50 to No. 1 each Saturday in 2024. Join along and feel free to add your own thoughts in the comments!

Lex Luthor: Just look at him. So sleek. So powerful. So... beautiful, like some great golden god made flesh. Of course, any sensible god would demand absolute obedience in return for his favor. But, no, our Man of Steel protects us, with no strings attached. The people? Hmph. They practically worship him anyway. Enjoy your reign while you may, Superman. For surely as night follows day, there comes a time when even gods must die.

Superman: Doomsday (2007)
Adam Baldwin, Anne Heche, and James Marsters
Director: Lauren Montgomery, Bruce Timm, and Brandon Vietti
About: In all of Superman, there's one story we've seen play out a few times that remains vibrant and interesting. That's the story of his death. We've seen it in live action and animated films, told a few different ways. Doomsday is one such telling of the story. I remember seeing the deluxe addition in stories, which came with an animated companion book. I bought it sight unseen, something I never do. But I loved watching the way the series played out. It's one of my favorite animated DC stories, and one of my favorite versions of this story. I like the voice cast and how it all comes together. It's well worth checking out.


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