1994 Rewind: The Hudsucker Proxy


Films released in 1994 will turn 30 this year. Over the next few months, I'll be looking at some of the memorable films from that year, including some of my favorites. Today, it's a Coen Brothers classic.

Norville Barnes: You know, for kids!

The Hudsucker Proxy
: Tim Robbins, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Bill Cobbs, Charles During, and Paul Newman
Director: Joel and Ethan Coen
About: For me, peak Coen Brothers is the 1990s. Some of my favorites of their films were released in that decade. And that includes this screwball comedy with an outstanding cast. Robbins is great in the lead here, but it's the world built around him that is the most fun. Durning and Newman add a bit of fun, and class, while Leigh is great as the fast-talking lady reporter. I loved Cobbs in his supporting role, and the twists and turns in this story. It's unexpected but it's a lot of fun. If you haven't ever seen it, this Coen Brothers classic is worth checking out.


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