Favorite Animated Films, No. 7


Animated Films have come a long way over the years. It's a genre and format that presents a wide range of styles and stories. This year, I'll be taking a look at my 50 favorite Animated Films, offering a new one from No. 50 to No. 1 each Saturday in 2024. Join along and feel free to add your own thoughts in the comments!

Bruno: You're the real gift, kid... let us in.

Encanto (2021)
Stefanie Beatriz, John Leguizamo, and Maria Cecilia Botero
Director: Jarod Bush, Byron Howard, and Charise Castro Smith
About: The best films are about family, that's especially true for animated films. Encanto is a Disney original with vibrant music, beautiful characters, and a mesmerizing world. It hooked younger viewers and older viewers alike, myself included. I loved the story, the rich cultural exploration, and the narrative in this animated adventure. It's a deeply emotional journey and one worth taking if you've never made time to check it out. Encanto is a treasure.


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