Leap Day
"Time is a monster that cannot be reasoned with. It responds like a snail to our impatience, then it races like a gazelle when you can't catch a breath." — Joe Wentworth, "Simon Birch" Today is Leap Day. Every four years (well mostly) we get an extra day. That's right, 2012 will be 366 days. The fact is most of us probably don't consider that much accept that it makes it more confusing about what day it is because we're so used to the shortened February setting. But this extra day really should be considered a gift, especially in our world today. Over the summer, I was fascinated by a series on CNN which dubbed America the "No Vacation Nation." Basically, the crux of the argument centered on the approach to work and life in America as opposed to other countries. We work more hours and more days, pushing our family to the side. In other places — like Europe — the priorities are a little different. That's what makes me think about Leap Da...