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Here's a look at the new movie I saw this week.

What Men Want
Taraji P. Henson, Aldis Hodge, Max Greenfield, Josh Brener, and Richard Roundtree
Synopsis: Back in 2000, Nancy Myers gave the world "What Women Want." It featured Mel Gibson as a clueless guy that gets the power to hear women's thoughts and it makes him a better guy. Now, 19 years later, we get the gender reversed version of this film. It makes sense in this era of re-boots, re-makes and re-imaginings. And it also makes sense this time of year, as folk are looking for romantic comedies to hit up in and around Valentines Day. In this re-imagining, Henson is a sports agent that wants a promotion to be a partner at her firm. She's great at her job and has a roster full of big clients, but none of them come from the traditional power sports. Her boss (Brian Bosworth) suggests it's because she doesn't know how to talk to men. In order to land the promotion, she needs to sign a hot new NBA draft prospect, and that means convincing his father (Tracy Morgan) she's the right woman for the job. Along the way she meets a Tarot Card reader, hits her head, and discovers she can suddenly hear what men are thinking. It helps her learn about problems in her friends' relationships, try to get an edge in landing the new client and to understand the needs of her new boyfriend (Hodge). But it doesn't all go smoothly, as one might predict. And through it all, she learns she had the power to achieve her dreams all along. Henson is a great lead. She has good comedic timing and the kind of larger-than-life personality to make this kind of role hum. And there's a good supporting cast here, too. I like Hodge, Greenfield and Brener, especially, in their roles. This is nothing too new or too daring, but it works for what it is. I thought it had some funny moments, some predictable moments, and some tender moments. If you're looking for a breezy kind of date movie in this season, you could do worse than "What Men Want."
Rating: R for language and sexual content throughout, and some drug material.
Verdict: Three stars out of four.

Upcoming Releases:
Wednesday, February 13
: "Isn't It Romantic," "Happy Death Day 2U"
Thursday, February 14: "Alita: Battle Angel"
Friday, February 22: "How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World," "Fighting With My Family," "The Rhythm Section"


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