Favorite Christmas Films


Merry Christmas. If you're like me, you're enjoying some space to breathe and, naturally, a few Christmas films. Below are my Top 10 seasonal films. There might be a few surprises!

10. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964): A Rankin-Bass classic. The story of Rudolph is fun and iconic with a number of seasonal songs. I love that little animated reindeer.

9. Home Alone (1990): Another classic, this one from John Hughes. Macaulay Culkin is great as Kevin in a story that's a lot of fun.

8. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005): Maybe not a conventional choice, but this one from Shane Black is a fun detective story. I love Robert Downey, Jr., and Val Kilmer in these roles and the overall story and humor.

7. It's A Wonderful Life (1946): An American classic, Jimmy Stewart does a nice job in the lead role here in a story that perfectly captures the hope of the season.

6. A Christmas Story (1983): A classic tale. Little Ralphie and his Christmas journey is full of iconic moments that make it really feel like Christmas.

5. Love Actually (2003): This story from Richard Curtis tells a lot of different stories all celebrating love around the holidays. I enjoy it quite a bit.

4. Die Hard (1988): I love Die Hard. It's a top tier film for me. It's also a great Christmas film.

3. Elf (2003): This is Will Ferrell's best film. It's a Christmas classic and was the first proof that Jon Favreau is the hero we need and the hero we deserve in terms of entertainment programming.

2. Christmas Vacation (1989): This was the third outing for Chevy Chase as Clark Griswold, but it's the best. So many classic lines and moments. During the season, I quote this a lot.

1. A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965): I love Charlie Brown, and this Christmas classic is not only iconic it's a beautiful little story with a wonderful message about Christmas. It's my go to every year.


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