A Battle for Control
"Westworld" began its second season on April 22. The series, created by Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy, is based on the film from Michael Crichton, and is poised to be HBO's next big dramatic series. Each week I'll be exploring the episodes through recaps of season two. "Have you ever seen anything so full of splendor?" - William, "Westworld" I talked last week about the idea that "Westworld," like a lot of Michael Crichton's work, took a cautious view of technology and scientific advancement. There is danger in thinking you can control everything, and for the Delos Corporation, like so many others in Crichton narratives, that danger became all too real in the Season One finale. But that doesn't mean there's not a sense of wonder about the creation, too. I was 12 years old when I went to see "Jurassic Park" on the big screen. I remember the first time that we, like Dr. Grant, Dr. Malcolm and Dr. Sattler, got t...